LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons

Crinière de Lion X Yerba Maté - 1 mois d'approvisionnement

LST : Thé liquide aux champignons


Crinière de Lion X Yerba Maté

Notre mélange de thé glacé Yerba boosté aux champignons est une infusion énergétique aux agrumes conçue pour vous fournir une énergie naturelle et soutenue sans les pics. Sans sucre ni arômes artificiels, c'est le choix idéal pour maintenir votre concentration et votre vitalité tout au long de la journée. Avec seulement quatre ingrédients simples, chaque portion contient 1 000 mg de crinière de lion pour un soutien cognitif, associés à 160 mg de caféine naturelle pour un regain d'énergie doux et sans tremblement.

Restez alerte et énergique, que vous affrontiez une journée de travail chargée ou que vous vous prépariez pour des sports et des aventures. Notre thé glacé à la crinière de lion et au Yerba Maté est votre compagnon de confiance pour une clarté mentale inébranlable et une vitalité soutenue.

Ajoutez simplement de l'eau et mélangez.

*Ces déclarations n'ont pas été évaluées par la Food and Drug Administration. Ce produit n'est pas destiné à diagnostiquer, traiter, guérir ou prévenir une quelconque maladie.

  • Sans sucre
  • 1000 mg de crinière de lion
  • 160 mg de caféine naturelle

100 % de poudre de champignons entiers

De fortes concentrations de fructifications mélangées à du mycélium pour que vous puissiez bénéficier des bienfaits du champignon entier. Cultivé sur des substrats organiques contenant du bois et des coques organiques, le substrat est ensuite jeté.

Cuit à la vapeur pour une biodisponibilité maximale

Nos champignons sont soumis au processus exclusif en deux étapes de Stay Wyld utilisant de la vapeur pour extraire les bêta-glucanes des parois cellulaires fongiques protectrices (chitine), garantissant ainsi à votre corps d'absorber leurs bienfaits.

Nous cultivons nos propres champignons

Du substrat à l’air, à l’eau, à l’humidité, aux ingrédients et aux températures, nous contrôlons ici l’ensemble du processus pour vous garantir des produits à base de champignons de la plus haute qualité.

Certifié biologique

Grâce à Pro-Cert, nous suivons les directives biologiques les plus strictes au monde.​​

Lion's Mane

Stay Wyld Lion's Mane Supplements are perfect for a health boost on the go. Our Lion's Mane mushroom capsules and powders are filled with a blend of mycelium and fruiting bodies. Lion's Mane capsules make it easy to control dosage on a regimented schedule, or maybe you’re not as big a fan of mushroom flavour as we are but you love the benefits. We’ve got you. We’ve got Lion's Mane capsules.

Questions fréquemment posées

Lion's Mane mushrooms' effects can vary depending on several factors including the individual's body weight, metabolism, and overall health. Typically, when taken orally such as in a supplement form, one might start noticing some cognitive benefits like increased focus and memory within two weeks to a month. However, for more substantial benefits, particularly neuroregenerative effects, consistent use over several months is usually required. It's always important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

No, lion's mane mushrooms are not psychedelic. They are well-known for their potential cognitive and neurological benefits, but they do not contain psilocybin or any other hallucinogenic compounds, unlike some other types of mushrooms.

Lion's Mane mushrooms are renowned for their potential to enhance cognitive function and support nerve health. They contain bioactive substances that stimulate the production of nerve growth factor, which has been said to combat neurodegenerative diseases and improve mental focus. Moreover, they also possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that contribute to overall well-being.

After harvesting our fresh whole mushrooms they go through a steam process to ensure the critical medicinal components become available for absorption by the human body. They then go through a micronization process which is known to further increase bioavailability. Bioavailability is one of the most important factors when considering medicinal mushrooms, and our products are processed to work in your body, not just in the lab.

Our mushrooms are certified organic by Pro-Cert. We follow the strictest organic guidelines in the world.

No they will not. None of our functional mushroom products contain psychoactive compounds.

Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews

The taste + the feeling.
Love it in my bottle for 🚲 rides.
Love it in my bottle for the office.
It's my go-to lemony, brain-supporting, energizing bevy - minus the sugar too for a super extra bonus.

You've got to try it!

Shannon Antonio

Man this stuff works AND it’s so delish 🥳

Rene Huppe
Excellent drink

The Lion’s mane maté is excellent! Very good taste, energizing and no sugar. Super!

Charles Robert
My new morning favorite

This has become my new morning favorite on my way to work at the bike shop! Just scoop it up with ice and water in a thermos and it's perfect to start those hot summer days!


I first ordered the powdered stand up pouch of the LST - Lion’s Mane X Yerba Maté Ice Tea and fell in love with the taste and especially the noticeable boost it gave me to finish my day. I knew my husband could use this and since he is on the go all day I ordered the single packages for him to take on the go to add to his water. He could not believe the difference it made in his energy levels. Loves the taste, he puts in his water now in the morning and drinks throughout the day. I have been instructed to make sure we never run out! This is an amazing product that works as good as it says, tastes fabulous and has excellent ingredients.

Julie Sampson
Yerba Mate LST

Yet another amazing product from this great company. Love this tea cold and hot, and is my go-to in the afternoon. Perfectly flavoured and balanced sweet to sour ratio to help with my energy levels.

Works Great!

Glad to support a Canadian company making a quality product.


This is a must if you want energy and clear mind

Rick Evans
LST for the win

I have to say, with all
my attempts at kicking coffee, taste has always brought me back. This powder is by far the best tasting alternative I’ve come across. Love the feeling it gives me and and also how quick it it to prepare. Plus Lion’s Mane!

Shannon Antonio
It works!

First off, I love the taste of the LST. It’s refreshing when nice and cold and is a nice sour taste instead of all the sweet out there. Feels like I’m drinking legit unsweetened iced tea. The biggest thing is that it really works for me. I’ve been struggling to have energy lately and when I have this….i can keep going with my day instead of napping the day away ❤️💃🏻