LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons
LST : Thé liquide aux champignons

Crinière de Lion X Yerba Maté - 1 mois d'approvisionnement

LST : Thé liquide aux champignons


Crinière de Lion X Yerba Maté

Notre mélange de thé glacé Yerba boosté aux champignons est une infusion énergétique aux agrumes conçue pour vous fournir une énergie naturelle et soutenue sans les pics. Sans sucre ni arômes artificiels, c'est le choix idéal pour maintenir votre concentration et votre vitalité tout au long de la journée. Avec seulement quatre ingrédients simples, chaque portion contient 1 000 mg de crinière de lion pour un soutien cognitif, associés à 160 mg de caféine naturelle pour un regain d'énergie doux et sans tremblement.

Restez alerte et énergique, que vous affrontiez une journée de travail chargée ou que vous vous prépariez pour des sports et des aventures. Notre thé glacé à la crinière de lion et au Yerba Maté est votre compagnon de confiance pour une clarté mentale inébranlable et une vitalité soutenue.

Ajoutez simplement de l'eau et mélangez.

*Ces déclarations n'ont pas été évaluées par la Food and Drug Administration. Ce produit n'est pas destiné à diagnostiquer, traiter, guérir ou prévenir une quelconque maladie.

  • Sans sucre
  • 1000 mg de crinière de lion
  • 160 mg de caféine naturelle

100 % de poudre de champignons entiers

De fortes concentrations de fructifications mélangées à du mycélium pour que vous puissiez bénéficier des bienfaits du champignon entier. Cultivé sur des substrats organiques contenant du bois et des coques organiques, le substrat est ensuite jeté.

Cuit à la vapeur pour une biodisponibilité maximale

Nos champignons sont soumis au processus exclusif en deux étapes de Stay Wyld utilisant de la vapeur pour extraire les bêta-glucanes des parois cellulaires fongiques protectrices (chitine), garantissant ainsi à votre corps d'absorber leurs bienfaits.

Nous cultivons nos propres champignons

Du substrat à l’air, à l’eau, à l’humidité, aux ingrédients et aux températures, nous contrôlons ici l’ensemble du processus pour vous garantir des produits à base de champignons de la plus haute qualité.

Lion's Mane

Stay Wyld Lion's Mane Supplements are perfect for a health boost on the go. Our Lion's Mane mushroom capsules and powders are filled with a blend of mycelium and fruiting bodies. Lion's Mane capsules make it easy to control dosage on a regimented schedule, or maybe you’re not as big a fan of mushroom flavour as we are but you love the benefits. We’ve got you. We’ve got Lion's Mane capsules.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Nathan Pearson
Lions Mane Iced Tea by STAYWYLD

This is an excellent product. Quick and easy to disperse and mixes easily. It tastes just like an ice tea, has an excellent uplifting affect for those energy requiring sessions, a good benefit for the mind and nervous system (. Lions Mane ). Focused energy without the jitters! Very tasty

Great energy boost

This is a great product for an afternoon pick me up. Coffee is hard on my stomach and this iced tea doesn’t bother my stomach at all and really helps to lift the PM fog.

Great as always

Thought I'd give this a try for an afternoon energy pick me up and it was great. A smoother experience than another coffee. Would order again

Brandon Cryderman

If you need to go out and giver this stuff will get ya goin and once you get goin you can giver giver giver! Good for them long hung over days drivin the god awful Duffy when you can barley get a beer down but ya gotta otherwise you’ll shake yer steering wheel so bad you’ll be upside in the garbage ditch callin yer buddy to come give the the ol flip back over trick before the men in blue get there and send ya back to the cold bed in Kamloops Good stuff works and tastes great!


Tastes just like lemon iced tea, and doesn't leave you jittery.

Nicola J Tolvay
Just like iced tea

I wasn't sure what to expect exactly, but it tastes just like iced tea. I got my husband into it too. The ingredients are way better than the energy drinks he was drinking and it works just as good. This will definitely be our energy "drink" go to from now on.

Samantha Hussey
Awesome Boost for my Energy and Brain!

I had been searching for a good powdered Yerba Mate for awhile for convenience, as a great polyphenol rich stimulant and for the appetite suppression. Saw this one was produced in Canada - Bonus! Also 1000mg of Lions's Mane which is great for my brain and supports memory.

Christine Remple
Love it hot and cold

Never did I think I would ever stray from my morning coffee but now my partner asks in the morning if he can turn on the kettle for me for my LST. Not sure if it is meant to be served warm but I love it warm in the morning and cold later in the day. Absolute game changer to my day. I don’t get that slump I used to get a couple hours after my first coffee.
Thank you for creating such a great product!

Valerie Riesen
A great tasting drink!

I really like the taste of this drink and I love how I feel on this tea. I have been making cold with ice cube and it is perfect on a summer tea. It is like a bonus iced tea. I am so happy to feed my body some Lion's Mane this way!

Brianna Maloney
Yes to clean energy!

This has been my daily iced tea in the morning. I've never been a coffee drinker but have fallen into the path of drinking energy drinks to help me get through my day. Even though I limit myself to one or two a week, it gives me anxiety and I feel a crash afterwards. I love how I feel on this tea and Lion's Mane Mushrooms are so great for brain health. Its a win-win!