Notes du monde

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Notes du monde

Quitters Day: Let’s Break the Cycle (with mushrooms)!

Quitters Day: Let’s Break the Cycle (with mushrooms)!

It’s almost internationally recognized—the second Friday of January, known as Quitters Day, marks the moment many people abandon their New Year’s resolutions. You know the...

Do Mushroom Supplements Break a Fast?

Do Mushroom Supplements Break a Fast?

Intermittent fasting has gained significant popularity in recent years for its potential health benefits, including weight loss, improved metabolic function, and increased cellular autophagy. As...

Power Up Naturally with Stay Wyld LST Energy Strips

Power Up Naturally with Stay Wyld LST Energy Strips

In today’s fast-paced world, finding the right balance between energy, focus, and relaxation can feel like a juggling act. Enter Stay Wyld LST Energy Strips...

ADHD: Understanding, Evolving Treatments, and the Role of Medicinal Mushrooms

ADHD: Understanding, Evolving Treatments, and the Role of Medicinal Mushrooms

ADHD diagnoses have surged in recent years, not due to an increase in prevalence but thanks to improved healthcare access, reduced stigma around mental health,...

Reishi: An Immune-Boosting, Detoxifying, and Calming Fall-Time, All-Time Mushroom

Reishi: An Immune-Boosting, Detoxifying, and Calming Fall-Time, All-Time Mushroom

Fall Wellness and Reishi’s Role Reishi mushroom, known as the 'mushroom of immortality,' plays a significant role in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for boosting overall...

Falling for Chaga: The Mushroom That Boosts Your Immunity!

Falling for Chaga: The Mushroom That Boosts Your Immunity!

As the leaves start collecting on the ground and the evening chill sets in, it's time to think about how best to support our immune...

Harness Cordyceps for Lung Health This Fall

Harness Cordyceps for Lung Health This Fall

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), autumn is a time of reflection, introspection, and turning inward. As the seasons change, so do the needs of our...

Four Brain-Boosted Drinks with Lion’s Mane Powder

Four Brain-Boosted Drinks with Lion’s Mane Powder

Looking for a delicious way to kickstart your morning or add some extra fuel to your afternoon? We’ve got three smoothies and a latte, all...

Discover the Benefits of Lion’s Mane Mushroom Powder

Discover the Benefits of Lion’s Mane Mushroom Powder

Lion's Mane mushroom powder has been making waves in the wellness community for a while because of its remarkable health benefits. Whether you're looking for...

FAQs About Our Super Mushroom Gummies

FAQs About Our Super Mushroom Gummies

Since introducing our ‘Low Sugar, Highly Potent’ Super Mushroom Gummies, we’ve received a lot of questions. Here’s a breakdown of the most frequently asked questions...

LST The Energy Drink That Transformed Our Summer—and Our Lives

LST The Energy Drink That Transformed Our Summer—and Our Lives

The biggest reason we love LST is that we can feel it! As the pressures of nonstop summertime adventures, sports, and socializing hit, we realized...

Why We Created Stay Wyld Mushrooms Gummies: A Quest for Clean, High-Potency Supplements

Why We Created Stay Wyld Mushrooms Gummies: A Quest for Clean, High-Potency Supplements

We’ve been long touting the medicinal and functional benefits of Mushrooms! We are stoked to see them move through our modern day, and while the...

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