Gélules de champignon Chaga
Gélules de champignon Chaga
Gélules de champignon Chaga
Gélules de champignon Chaga
Gélules de champignon Chaga
Gélules de champignon Chaga
Gélules de champignon Chaga
Gélules de champignon Chaga
Gélules de champignon Chaga
Gélules de champignon Chaga
Gélules de champignon Chaga
Gélules de champignon Chaga
Gélules de champignon Chaga
Gélules de champignon Chaga
Gélules de champignon Chaga
Gélules de champignon Chaga
Gélules de champignon Chaga
Gélules de champignon Chaga

Antioxydant et boost de bien-être - 1 mois d'approvisionnement

Gélules de champignon Chaga

Pack size Single

Il n’est vraiment pas étonnant que Chaga soit vénéré depuis longtemps comme le roi des champignons. Ces suppléments de champignons Chaga vivant dans le bouleau possèdent l'une des valeurs antioxydantes les plus élevées de tous les aliments de la planète, faisant du Chaga une véritable force contre les radicaux libres qui travaille dur pour vous protéger au niveau cellulaire.

Beaucoup ne jurent que par ses propriétés anti-âge, ainsi que par sa capacité à réduire le stress, à abaisser le cholestérol et à combattre l’inflammation. Pour un bien-être général, laissez nos capsules de champignons Chaga vous aider à rester sauvage et en bonne santé.

  • Superaliment riche en antioxydants
  • Renforcement du système immunitaire
  • Protection cellulaire
  • Adaptogène apaisant
  • Contrôle de l'inflammation
  • Soutien sain de la peau, des cheveux et des ongles

*Ces déclarations n'ont pas été évaluées par la Food and Drug Administration. Ce produit n'est pas destiné à diagnostiquer, traiter, guérir ou prévenir une quelconque maladie.

Ingrédients médicinaux :Champignons Chaga biologiques (Inonotus obliquus) 500 mg

Quantité de bouteille :90 gélules

Dose recommandée :Adultes : Prendre 3 gélules par jour.

Sans gluten.Ne contient pas de mercure.

Ingrédients non médicinaux :Stéarate de magnésium, carboxyméthylcellulose.

100 % de poudre de champignons entiers

De fortes concentrations de fructifications mélangées à du mycélium pour que vous puissiez bénéficier des bienfaits du champignon entier. Cultivé sur des substrats organiques contenant du bois et des coques organiques, le substrat est ensuite jeté.

Cuit à la vapeur pour une biodisponibilité maximale

Nos champignons sont soumis au processus exclusif en deux étapes de Stay Wyld utilisant de la vapeur pour extraire les bêta-glucanes des parois cellulaires fongiques protectrices (chitine), garantissant ainsi à votre corps d'absorber leurs bienfaits.

Nous cultivons nos propres champignons

Du substrat à l’air, à l’eau, à l’humidité, aux ingrédients et aux températures, nous contrôlons ici l’ensemble du processus pour vous garantir des produits à base de champignons de la plus haute qualité.


Stay Wyld Chaga medicinal mushroom capsules are loaded with Wild Canadian Chaga Fruiting Bodies. The addition of Wild Chaga introduces Betulinic acid into the capsules. Our Chaga mushroom capsules make it easy to control dosage on a regimented schedule, or maybe you’re not as big a fan of mushroom flavour as we are but you love the benefits. We’ve got you. We’ve got Chaga capsules.

Questions fréquemment posées

Chaga mushrooms are renowned for their wealth of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, contributing to enhanced immune system function and overall well-being. These unique fungi may support cardiovascular health, making them a valuable addition to a holistic health regime.

Chaga mushrooms, when consumed, typically start showing their effects within 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the individual's metabolism and other factors such as body weight and stomach content. However, for the full spectrum of their therapeutic benefits, like boosting immunity or reducing inflammation, consistent use over several weeks or months is typically required. It's important to note that the body’s response to Chaga can vary from person to person.

No, Chaga mushrooms are not psychedelic. They are renowned for their potential health benefits, offering a rich source of natural bioactive compounds that are known for promoting overall wellness, boosting immune function, and providing antioxidant properties.

Our mushrooms are certified organic by Pro-Cert. We follow the strictest organic guidelines in the world.

Stay Wyld's commitment to provide you with the healthiest and highest quality mushroom products available starts at our state of the art mushroom grow facility in BC, Canada. Canadian food products adhere to high standards and levels of control. We are able to control the entire process here to ensure the highest quality mushroom products for you. Just like you, we want to know where our food and supplements actually come from.

Customer Reviews

Based on 31 reviews
Andrew Jackson

I have been using Stay Wyld Organics for a while. I added Chaga and have found my gut is getting better in less than a month. Thanks.


I saw the add about the person who went in to remission taking these , hasn’t worked for me , but I do believe it must be doing something , will continue to take these with the brain gummies , my brain wellness feels good so it must be doin soemthing. Will continue to take them :)

The Best

This is the best stuff! I sleep better, more energy and more alert. This is the best stuff!

Wylie Barbour
Seems to be working!

Started these a month ago and already feel so much more energized. Love them.

Mark Tucker
Colitis patient

I saw the advertisement where someone said they were taking chaga and it helped them get into remission. I’ve had mild symptoms ongoing for about 4 months now and my regular meds aren’t touching it. After seeing the testimonial I figured why not give it a shot. It’s been about 3 weeks and I’m not sure if it’s a coincidence or not but things seem to be better. I’m going to keep at it and if it works, I’m sold. Thanks guys!

Chaga Power!

I have used Chaga long ago and re-discovered it at Stay Wyld. The benefits are epic. I am so glad to have this now that it is getting colder to boost my immunity and overall wellness.

Mike Kuemmerle
Boost Your Health Naturally!

Chaga mushroom extract is a powerhouse of antioxidants and immune-boosting benefits. It's packed with nutrients that protect your cells from oxidative stress, support heart and gut health, and even help reduce inflammation. Many users have reported improved energy, better digestion, and enhanced immune function. Some studies also suggest it may aid in regulating blood sugar and potentially support cancer prevention.

If you’re looking for a natural way to boost overall health and well-being, Chaga is a top choice. Easy to add to your daily routine, it’s a versatile supplement with multiple benefits in just one dose! 🌟

Great product

I like to take Chaga to keep my immune system strong. I like your packaging, and the quality of your chaga. I will buy again.


Love the product, has become part of my daily routine!

Mark Gribbon
Epic and clean.

Since i have added in the chaga capsules to my daily routine i have noticed i never get sick anymore. Love they are made just up the road by great humans.