I Boost my Morning Coffee with MUSHROOMS

Lion's Mane is the perfect mushroom powder to boost my coffee

Why we love Ian.

Ian McIntosh is more than just a big mountain skier. He’s an advocate for sustainable, healthy eating. And he’s a father of two.

We chose him as a member of our #WyldTrybe because his radness goes far beyond the massive peaks he skis.

As an ambassador for Protect Our Winters Canada // @protectourwinterscanada , Ian fights for a brighter future. He’s super well informed and understands the complexity of our climate crisis, which gives his words the weight of authority.

When he speaks, people listen. His booming voice carries words of wisdom. And, as we discovered last week, he’s a really damn good cook (more on that later).

Fueled by Chaga coffee, Pink Oyster mushrooms and a few of our other supplements, “Big Mac” never stops moving, even after a couple serious injuries threatened to keep him off his skis forever.

The guy still charges.

In the mountains, in the kitchen, and life in general.

Why do you love mushrooms?

"For me, the older I get, the more I want to focus on my health. I started taking functional mushrooms when I learned about the positive impact they can have on your mind/body and building a strong immune system. Now that I have been taking them for several years, I have truly noticed that my mind is sharper. I rarely get sick and generally just feel great. They have become a part of my daily regimen, and I don’t foresee myself stopping taking them, ever."

What's your favourite product?

I love taking Cordyceps on my adventures in the mountains or the days I'm with my girls' parenting. It keeps my energy going without the crash.

Produit préféré de Ian McIntosh

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