Harness Cordyceps for Lung Health This Fall

Harness Cordyceps for Lung Health This Fall

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), autumn is a time of reflection, introspection, and turning inward. As the seasons change, so do the needs of our bodies. Autumn is closely linked to the lungs and large intestine—the organs responsible for taking in and letting go. The dry, cool air of fall can strain the lungs, leaving us more susceptible to respiratory issues like colds, dry coughs, and even asthma. It’s a season of vulnerability for the lungs, making it the perfect time to focus on nourishing and protecting them (5).



One powerful tool to support your lung health during this transition is Cordyceps, a functional mushroom revered in TCM and modern health practices for its ability to fortify the lungs, boost energy, and support overall respiratory wellness (4).

Cordyceps in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Cordyceps, known as "Dong Chong Xia Cao" in TCM, has been used for centuries to tonify the kidneys and lungs, boost qi (vital energy), and improve overall vitality (3). It is especially prized for its ability to nourish the lungs, making it the perfect ally during autumn's dry, crisp days (2).

In TCM, the lungs are considered the most delicate organ, responsible for drawing in qi from the air and distributing it throughout the body (6). This process is disrupted when the lungs are weak, leading to fatigue, shortness of breath, and a weakened immune system (2). Cordyceps helps strengthen lung function, increases oxygen uptake, and boosts qi, improving lung health and supporting overall energy and stamina (2).

Why Cordyceps Is the Perfect Fall Functional Mushroom

Supports Respiratory Health

As the weather cools and becomes drier, respiratory issues become more common (5). Cordyceps is a natural lung tonic known to soothe respiratory discomfort, support oxygen flow, and improve breathing efficiency (4). For those prone to seasonal allergies, asthma, or colds, Cordyceps can provide an extra layer of protection to keep the lungs functioning optimally (3).

Boosts Energy and Vitality

Fall often feels like a time when our energy wanes as the days shorten. Cordyceps is renowned for enhancing physical energy and fighting fatigue, mainly by increasing Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) production—the molecule responsible for energy in our cells (2). ATP is the primary energy carrier in all living cells, and its availability is crucial for maintaining physical energy and cellular function (2). Studies show Cordyceps improves ATP generation by enhancing mitochondrial electron transport, boosting energy metabolism, and supporting endurance (2). This makes Cordyceps especially beneficial for individuals experiencing fatigue or low energy, particularly during seasonal transitions (2).

Additionally, Cordyceps enhances oxygen utilization, further promoting sustained energy and endurance—especially helpful for those with a sluggish immune system or chronic fatigue (4).

Moisturizes the Body in Dryness

Autumn is associated with dryness in TCM, affecting both the skin and lungs (5). Cordyceps nourishes the lungs and kidneys, which regulate moisture in the body (2). Its moistening quality helps counteract the dryness in the air, protecting the delicate tissues of the lungs from irritation (4). Cordyceps is perfect for soothing dry coughs, easing throat irritation, and addressing respiratory discomforts that often come with the change in seasons (4). By supporting lung function and maintaining hydration, Cordyceps helps keep your body balanced and resilient during the dry, crisp days of autumn (2).

Strengthens the Immune System

The lungs play a crucial role in immune defense, and when they’re compromised, so is our body’s ability to fight off illness (4). Cordyceps is packed with powerful compounds that help boost your immune system (4). It works by increasing the production of signals that activate immune cells, helping them fight off viruses and bacteria (4). This means Cordyceps can strengthen your defenses, especially during the colder months when you're more prone to colds and other infections (4).

Cordyceps: Your Fall Wellness Ritual

Incorporating Cordyceps into your fall routine is simple. Whether through capsules or powders, taking Cordyceps daily can help support your body as it adjusts to the cooler weather. It’s a perfect addition to your self-care regimen, alongside other practices that nourish the lungs in autumn, like deep breathing exercises, gentle movements like yoga, and hydrating foods such as soups and stews (5).

TCM Tips for Fall Wellness

  • Breathe Deep: The lungs thrive on clean, fresh air. Take time for breathing exercises, especially in the morning, to strengthen the lungs and increase your intake of qi.
  • Stay Hydrated: The dry air of autumn can deplete moisture in the body, so focus on nourishing your lungs and skin with plenty of hydration. Warm drinks and broths are especially beneficial.
  • Eat for Lung Health: Incorporate seasonal foods that nourish the lungs and large intestine, like pears, radishes, and root vegetables. Cordyceps pairs well with these nourishing foods and can be added to broths or teas.
  • Reflect and Slow Down: Just as autumn encourages trees to shed their leaves, it’s a time for letting go and embracing a slower pace. Align your body with nature by reflecting on your internal health and creating space for rest.

As the air cools and the winds dry out, give your lungs the care they deserve with Cordyceps (2). This powerful mushroom can be your seasonal ally, helping you stay balanced, energized, and resilient all fall long (2).





Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Cordyceps may interact with certain medications or underlying health conditions. Always consult with a healthcare provider or a qualified Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner before incorporating any new supplements, including Cordyceps, into your wellness routine, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, have pre-existing health conditions, or are taking prescription medications.


  1. The impact of cold on the respiratory tract and its consequences to respiratory health link 
  2. Review on Cordyceps and its Traditional Use: PMC3924981
  3. Lin, B., & Li, S. (2011). Cordyceps as an herbal drug. Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects, 2nd Ed.
  4. Das, G., et al. (2021). Cordyceps spp.: A review on its immune-stimulatory and other biological potentials. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 11, 602364
  5. Odell, M. (n.d.). Moving into autumn with traditional Chinese medicine. National Center for Integrative Medicine
  6. Herbal Reality: Cordyceps

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